Volleyball vs. Basketball Which Sport is More Challenging

Feb 02, 2023

By MississaugaVolleyballClub.com Research Staff

Volleyball and basketball are two popular sports. These two ball games have many things in common. There are also many differences between volleyball and basketball games.

The sport of volleyball is more popular than the sport of basketball. Volleyball is the second most popular ball game and basketball is the third most popular ball game.

The statistics shows that volleyball has 900 millions of fans and basketball has 825 millions of fans all over the world. It’s also important to note that both volleyball and basketball sports are constantly on rise.

Both volleyball and basketball are played in different countries all over the world. Volleyball is most popular in such countries as Brazil, China, the United States, Poland, the Netherlands and other countries. Basketball is most popular in such countries as the United States, Philippines, Australia, Canada, Cuba, Germany, Italy, Japan and other countries.

The big question is – volleyball vs. basketball: which sport is more challenging? Now, it’s time to get the answer. Today, we’ll compare volleyball and basketball games one to another. The volleyball vs. basketball comparison will help you find out which sport is more challenging.

So, let’s get started.

Volleyball and Basketball Have Many Things in Common

Both volleyball and basketball are two popular ball games. Athletes have to interact with a ball during basketball and volleyball games. Volleyball and basketball are two popular team sports.

Volleyball players and basketball players have to master communication skills. Athletes have to communicate with each other during games and practices in an efficient way. Playing volleyball and basketball can be challenging. Team members have to support each other and help each other overcome various challenges during games and practices.

Both games are played on the court. However, teams play on different sides of the court in the sport of volleyball. In basketball, teams play on the whole court.

Passing is used both in volleyball and basketball games. Volleyball and basketball games require atletism as well as endurance.

Volleyball and Basketball Have Differences

Volleyball and basketball are two different games. These two games have different rules. There are also some differences between basketball and volleyball. Balls of different shapes and sizes are used in volleyball and basketball games. In the sport of volleyball, the net is used to divide the court into two different parts. Volleyball teams play on different sides of the court.

Volleyball players and basketball players have different goals. The main goal of a volleyball team is to land the ball on the opposite side of the court. The main goal of a basketball team is to drive the ball to the basket. Volleyball players and basketball players should aim to earn as many points as possible during games.

Basketball is Physically Harder than Volleyball

The sport of basketball requires more physical strength rather than the sport of volleyball. Basketball players run a lot and jump many times during the game. All these actions are more physically demanding. That’s why basketball players need to work more on agility and strength.

Basketball players have to do a lot of footwork during games and practices. That’s why basketball players should put a lot of focus on strengthening their legs. And of course, basketball players need to improve their endurance in order to perform better on the court.

Volleyball players don’t run a lot during the game. However, volleyball players jump frequently on the court during the game. Volleyball players jump high when a need to carry out an attack hit or block the opposing team’s attack arises. The higher a volleyball player jumps – the better chance he/she has to resist the opposite team’s attacks. So, it’s more important for volleyball players to increase a vertical jump. Jumping exercises have to be included in volleyball player’s training program.

On the other hand, it’s more important for volleyball players to focus on strengthening their arms. A volleyball player should have strong arms to be able to hit the ball forcefully.

When hitting the ball, a volleyball player should make it difficult for opponents to resist an attack hit. Plus, volleyball players should hit the ball precisely and try to land the ball on the opposite side of the court. Basketball players hit the ball softer.

Both basketball players and volleyball players have to try to improve their footwork skills as well as jumping ability. Both games require agility, strength as well as endurance. The faster you run, the higher you jump, the stronger you are – the better you’ll perform on the court.

It’s worth noting that athleticism is more important for basketball players than for volleyball players. However, technical skills are more important for volleyball players rather than for basketball players.

Volleyball is More Complex than Basketball

Volleyball is a more difficult game to learn comparing to basketball. Athletes have to work on many things in volleyball. The game of volleyball requires more technical skills.

Volleyball players have to develop such skills as passing, serving, setting, blocking, digging and hitting. The basic skills in basketball include dribbling, defending, passing and shooting. Basketball skills are easier to learn. So, it takes athletes less time to learn basketball skills.

Passing is a key element of basketball and volleyball games. It’s a lot easier to pass the ball in basketball. Basketball players can make the so-called bounce and chest passes. All that basketball players need to do is to take the ball and throw it to a teammate. Passing in volleyball is more complex.

It’s also important to note that hitting is more difficult in volleyball. Hitting in volleyball requires more preparation. A volleyball hitter works closely with a setter on the court. A setter should know hitter’s preferences very well. The task of a setter is to set the ball in the way that makes it easy for a hitter to carry out an attack hit. A volleyball player should start preparing for a hit in advance. When a moment comes, a volleyball player should get to the ball as soon as possible. After that, a volleyball player should jump high and carry out an attack hit.

Shooting in basketball is much easier. It doesn’t require any preparation. If a volleyball player has a ball in his/her hands, then he/she can shoot it quickly anytime.

Playing Volleyball is More Fun than Playing Basketball

Many young people prefer to play volleyball professionally. They train hard and participate in various competitions. Some people prefer to play volleyball because they would like to have some fun. Volleyball is a fun game. It’s possible to play the game of volleyball on beach. It’s a great way to relax and have a good time with friends.

Volleyball vs. Basketball – Which Sport is Better?

In fact, getting the answer to this question can be hard. It all depends on your preferences. Do you like basketball? If so, you have to play basketball. Or, maybe, the game of volleyball is more to your liking? In this case, it would be better for you to play volleyball game.

Both volleyball and basketball are worth considering if you are interested in a ball game or if you are interested in a team sport. It makes a lot of sense for you to try both volleyball and basketball games.

So, you’ll have an opportunity to see the differences between volleyball and basketball and compare one game to another. As a result, you’ll be able to decide which sport is better for you – volleyball or basketball. This will help you make the best possible choice. Enjoy playing your favorite game!


Good luck!